And the Stream Day! winners are

Close to 100 people sought to be among the first to give their opinion on the Viu la riera! project’s Comment website

As announced during Stream Day! on Sunday 20 November, the first people to participate in the Viu la riera! project’s Comment! website were entered to win two baskets of organic products. The winners of the draw are:

The 1st prize, a basket of organic products valued at €125, went to Mertixell Sedó from Caldes de Montbui

Mertixell Sedó from Caldes de Montbui

The 2nd prize, a basket of organic products valued at €75, went to Arantxa Domínguez from La Llagosta

Arantxa Domínguez from La Llagosta

The people eligible for the first prize were those who attended Stream Day! and, prior to the 30 November deadline, sent photographs and used the Comment! website to submit their opinions (the more the better) about the stream and the surrounding area. The photos will soon be posted under the heading Gallery, alongside the name of the author and town. A wide range of photographs have been submitted of sites that the public both likes, particularly locations of great environmental value, and dislikes, namely due to the large amount of accumulated waste.

The people eligible for the second prize were those who attended Stream Day! and, prior to the 30 November deadline, used the Comment! website to submit their opinions (the more the better) about the stream and the surrounding area. Thus far, close to 100 people from the various towns have participated.

Congratulations to the winners and our heartfelt thanks to everyone else for being the first to participate in the Comment! website.

If you still have not participated, we encourage you to do so! It is extremely easy. All you need to do is register on the Comment! website, enter your e-mail address and a password and you can start. Afterwards, you may complete an assessment form to help improve the web-based participation tool and make it more accessible and useful in improving the environmental quality and social use of the Caldes stream.

The tool will remain active for the next few months in order to give everyone a chance to participate. As of next spring, users will able to see the participants’ opinions in an interactive, open-access online map. Following the opinion display phase, a new round of discussions with people from all the towns will be held to define improvement strategies.

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